University of texas essays
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Saying No to Bribes †The Infosys Way
Defilement is far reaching in all social statuses in numerous pieces of the world. It is hard to characterize and recognize debasement clearly. Paying off is a type of defilement numerous corporate bodies attempt to enjoy. Organizations like Infosys couldn't help contradicting Government and different temporary workers who take to debasement thinking about it as the type of behavior that most people will accept as normal wonder. At last, the Infosys methodology worked and the message to the corporate world is that trustworthiness, straightforwardness and reasonableness can make you win regardless of the degenerate condition around you. This gives another understanding in to the Virtue Matrix and proposes that another socially dependable corporate world is in the offing. Disapproving of Bribes †The Infosys Way The Cut Out Tasks As a Regional Sales Manager of South East Asia, situated in Philippines, I want to attack the issue in earnest. I make some extreme memories meeting my corporate objectives. There are contenders. I comprehend my obligations that I owe to my manager. I don't have the opportunity to demonstrate an altogether hostile way to deal with the current types of debasement. Be that as it may, I unquestionably have the opportunity to pick the inclination with which I could move situations that include paying off either legitimately or in a roundabout way. I am pleased with Narayana Murthy of Infosys who asked the traditions official â€Å"What is the option in contrast to offering incentive? †and later he concluded â€Å"We will simply do that. †(Abdelal, Di Tella and Kothandaraman, 2007) It was an undermining second for Infosys strategically and monetarily toward the beginning up. The inquiry was raised whether Narayana Murthy had prevailing in corporate administration by being hostile to degenerate. The appropriate response especially lies in the way that the Indian Government granted Narayana Murthy with the corporate administration grant in 2000. Infosys developed remarkably. Today it is known for straightforwardness, genuineness and reliability. Moreover, it remains as a good example rousing the corporate world. I would turn away any circumstance that baits me towards debasement and exclusively benefits me. I would be strict in choosing decisions. The speculative case described by Narayana Murthy that ‘if he were going in Siberia alone and a woman was prepared to have a consensual relationship with him, he would deny it’ is a fine model that still, small voice administers us in our social status (Abdelal, Di Tella, Kothandaraman, 2007). The Infosys Strategy Next, I would think from an alternate point of view †the Infosys system. On the off chance that Infosys could disapprove of pay off and conquer troublesome occasions at its beginning up stage, why not my organization? Where there is a will, there is a way. I might want to build up my group with a positive note and inspire the colleagues to strive for a character. Character is earned through legit rehearses, straightforwardness, truthfulness, by being subjective and capable in business. The first and genuine test for Infosys was compromising both monetarily and politically when they didn't have a character. At a later stage, Narayana Murthy noted â€Å"We experience had zero difficulty with customs since then†(Abdelal, Di Tella, Kothandaraman, 2007). Different organizations like Tata Consulting Services and Wipro followed its way to remain non-degenerate in their dealings. At the point when an organization is given to debasement for at all explanation, there is no assurance that it would be in consistence with socially capable practices. Organizations like Infosys with its trustworthiness, honesty, and straightforwardness, will have the option to keep in consideration the common establishment at the hour of less sound economies. During pained occasions, just the believed senior administration of an organization can deflect the dangers required to perform well in the vital outskirts of the Virtue Matrix. The capable authority instilled with corporate temperance alone can work in the development and interests of the organization that keeps up balance among investors, representatives, their networks, and the earth. Other than the previously mentioned factors, the job of Government is essential in helping the organizations with arrangements that are fair and strong. This thus will enable the organizations to manufacture socially capable relations. The Infosys technique is unquestionably the correct system to construct the common establishment in India yet with desires despite everything anticipating from all sides. There is a developing pattern of numerous organizations following at any rate an insignificant level of social obligation. This means fabricating a common establishment in India utilizing Virtue Matrix is a close to probability. The Growing Trend in Asia The most recent three decades have seen a great deal of political and monetary changes in the Asian nations. The weight and request by the Non-Governmental Organizations, controllers and the social associations on corporate organizations are more. The joined exertion of Non-Governmental Organizations and a solid legitimate framework can drive away debasement and improve working conditions as it is now occurring in South Asia. Overall numerous organizations began demonstrating interests in social and ecological obligations. The extent of venturing up this positive pattern lies in astute adjustment of the Virtue Matrix by the organizations in Asia. Notwithstanding, the way that debasement in numerous Asian nations contrasted with numerous European nations is high, makes it hard to bring a radical change (Abdelal, Di Tella, and Kothandaraman, 2007). Guarding S and E Debasement is a pestilence which could spread down the chain of command following the hierarchy. Just if the top request is non-degenerate and show others how its done, the others in the organization will tail it. At the point when genuineness and uprightness are spurned by paying off, the organization can't show an immaculate face towards Skills and Engagements. On the off chance that at all it does, it is in the personal circumstances of the organization for income. The organizations ought to have morals and corporate goodness while creating innovation. This will advance socially mindful perspectives and abstain from encroaching the rights or using the ranges of abilities for their potential benefit.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Eight Years Wasted, the Economic Failures of the Bush Administration Essay Example for Free
Eight Years Wasted, the Economic Failures of the Bush Administration Essay Eight years squandered. That is the portrayal that befits the George W. Shrub organization of the United States somewhere in the range of 2001 and 2008. By the by, this isn't an instance of uncalled for analysis of the Bush organization, as verified by Republican Senator John McCain who served in Bush’s time (Curl). As per McCain as he battled for the administration in 2008, Bush spent a ton of the United States’ assets on the war in Iraq, which subsequently prompted a huge monetary downturn (Curl). The most evident effects of Bush’s activities are reflected in the adjustments in pace of joblessness, expansion, cash gracefully in the United States, and moves in remote trade rates just as loan costs (National Organization for Women). Joblessness The pace of joblessness has especially been stressing since the period somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2001 when Bush took the authority of the United States (OECD). As indicated by Shi and Stevens, the pace of joblessness has been fluctuating quickly since 2000 when it was around 4. 0 percent (59). Inside longer than a time of Bush’s initiative, the joblessness rate shot up to 5. 8 percent in 2002 (59). Ladies and their families were especially influenced by the high pace of joblessness, as they would once in a while make a decent living toward the beginning of the Bush organization. Truth be told, as per the National Organization for Women, the year 2001 denoted the time of gigantic occupation misfortune among ladies in more than 40 years (National Organization for Women). Along this line, the Institute for Womens Policy Research announced that in the period somewhere in the range of 2001 and 2004, ladies laborers lost more than 300,000 positions (National Organization for Women). In a similar expansiveness, joblessness rates among single parents increased of an effectively terrible circumstance of 9. 5 percent to a more awful degree of 10. 2 percent (National Organization for Women). Measurements from GPO Access show a dreary image of the expanding levels of joblessness since the year 2000 when the United States presidential political race that introduced President George Bush was held. In the figures gave, generally regular citizen joblessness rate varied from 4. 0 percent in 2000 to 6. 7 percent in November 2008, which denoted the finish of the Bush organization (Table 1). Along a similar line, a similar pattern in joblessness rate was seen among various age gatherings, fa Another part of the Bush administration’s disappointment is an uncontrolled increment in swelling. Toward the start of the Bush organization in 2001, there was an eminent decrease in the costs everything being equal and administrations when contrasted with the previous year. Maybe this was a result of the exertion by Bush to satisfy battle guarantees. The reality of the situation is that after 2001, the costs of all things went up, declining just marginally in 2003. From that point forward, there was a striking variance in the costs yet generally speaking, the costs stayed at an unequaled high. Truth be told, the 4. 1 percent change in cost of things (Table 2) was the most noteworthy edge to have been recorded since the 6. 1 percent rate recorded in 1990 at the stature of the Gulf War (Irwin and Dan. ). The significant expenses of wares and administrations saw during the Bush Administration not just influenced the budgetary places of numerous families yet additionally impacted the people’s access to fundamental administrations, for example, human services (Atkinson and Hutto). As indicated by Hanke, the 2003 United States enumeration demonstrated that any group of three lived on a mean of $51 every day. This figure was shown up at utilizing a suspicion that childcare and human services administrations were completely financed by the legislature (United States Department of Labor). By and by, this was not the situation for most families, as they needed to depend on their own way to help themselves. With regards to significant expense of wares and benefits and with specific reference to childcare and human services administrations, numerous families needed to spend as much as more than 20 percent of their salaries in quest for these administrations (Robinson). Concurring the New York Times, the Bush organization cut financing programs for some fundamental projects, for example, childcare, which were especially proper for single parent family units (The High Cost of Health Care). This move was done as the organization planned for improving and extending other disliked projects, for example, advancement of marriage (United States Bureau of Statistics). In any case, the drawback of this point is that as center was moved to more up to date programs, the previously existing projects endured a considerably heavier blow regarding the excessive costs that must be brought about (The High Cost of Health Care). As per Shi and Gregory, the most elevated number of individual without social insurance administrations was recorded in 2003 (60). This is on the grounds that most consideration was redirected to procurement of other fundamental products and administrations, for example, food and lodging (The High Cost of Health Care). However president Bush despite everything demanded subsidizing the war to expel President Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq. This activity can be considered as an instance of lost need on the grounds that though President Bush was occupied with seeking after the United States international strategy, nearby undertakings (which maybe required more consideration) were tossed into disorder. Cash Supply During the Bush Administration, the flexibly of cash expanded, yet with certain variances. For example, the absolute estimation of the United States cash, traveler’s checks, request stores and other checkable stores rose from $1087. 4 billion to a high of $1473. 1 billion in October 2008 (GPO Access). The high gracefully of cash doesn't suggest that the United States economy improved in the time of eight years. Or maybe, it is a sign the estimation of the United States dollar could have deteriorated (Crutsinger and Aversa). In this manner, the enormous wholes of cash discharged to finance the war in Iraq in 2003 didn't add any stimulus to the United States economy (Crutsinger and Aversa). Rather, the economy got open to reference to a frail dollar against other world monetary forms. Regardless of the expansion in the aggregate of cash, there was an increment owing debtors of local nonfinancial parts from $18,183. 6 billion of every 2000 to $32,436. 5 billion out of 2006 . This implies nonfinancial establishments progressively needed to get during the period of George W. Hedge. It along these lines no big surprise that the United States was injured by an extraordinary monetary emergency just practically identical to the Great Depression towards the finish of Bush’s rule, the superseding factor being that the United States government had spent such a lot of cash on resistance and war in Iraq and Afghanistan to the detriment of inside turn of events. Outside Exchange As referenced above, there was an altogether high gracefully of cash in the United States, which typically prompted devaluation of the United States dollar. What's more, the period was described by a high pace of expansion, suggesting that impressively bigger entireties of cash would be utilized in purchasing products that would have been purchased economically in the prior period (Atkinson and Hutto). On the global scale, the significant expense of United States products implied that merchants needed to pay heaps of cash to obtain the merchandise, which at last brought down the degree of universal exchange between the United States and different nations (Table 3). Thus, the United States dollar changed against other world monetary standards, for example, the Japanese yen, the Sterling Pound, Chinese yuan and the Australian dollar (Atkinson and Hutto). For example, the Sterling Pound traded at between $1. 9548 and $2. 0442 of every 2007 (Table 3), which was an exceptionally enormous variety. The solid dollar against the yen somewhere in the range of 2001 and 2002, which was the start of the Bush organization, debilitated importation by Japan from the United States (Atkinson and Hutto). Simultaneously, residents of the United States selected to import significant things, for example, autos to the detriment of the privately fabricated ones, along these lines putting the United States car industry in the mess in which it is today (OECD). The outcome of this is significant contenders, for example, the Japanese automakers have unfavorably influenced neighborhood automakers, for example, Ford, and the entire business has been reserved for recovery in the Economic Stimulus Package (OECD). Loan costs Government security yields and financing costs for the most part declined somewhere in the range of 2000 and 2008. For example, the estimation of bills at sell off declined consistently from $ 5. 85 to $1. 01 of every 2003, except consistently rose from $1. 38 to $4. 73 of every 2006 (GPO Access). The low cost of bonds implied that banks were in a situation to buy greater government bonds, along these lines occupying their consideration from other budgetary help clients, for example, borrowers (Crutsinger and Aversa). Eventually, banks had to force high financing costs on the advances they offered to general society, inferring that most private company holders and people were injured by a gigantic credit crunch (Crutsinger and Aversa). The resulting credit crunch unfavorably influenced the United States economy especially towards the parts of the bargains of the Bush organization (Crutsinger and Aversa). Banks were generally influenced by the budgetary hardships and this required the Bush organization to think about taking responsibility for banks in an offer to shield them from crumbling (Crutsinger and Aversa). This move was anyway likewise poorly arranged, as it would bring about pointless government consumption, coming about into higher swelling in the United States (Hanke). Moreover, there was no affirmation that with the government’s securing of the banks, their presentation would improve (Hanke). End Even however the world saw a gigantic financial downturn, the troubles in the United States originated from the way that the Bush organization spent unreasonably on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, which by and large debilitated the exhibition of most neighborhood inst
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Topics in English For Grade 9
Essay Topics in English For Grade 9There are many essay topics in English for grade 9 students. The most common essay topics tend to be about the history of the United States, and what type of American he or she is. Some students prefer historical subjects, while others prefer to write on current topics in the news.The essays are also given based on their writing ability and if they are able to complete the task or not. They are also assessed by how well they can respond to the questions and assignments asked. Every student has different needs, and the teacher will base on these needs in order to assign the assignment. The students may be told the topic and expected to write an essay on it or they may be allowed to choose one for them to write on.Some students may be tempted to try to write essays on topics that they are well-versed with but this is actually a big no-no as you will end up failing your class. Essays that are chosen because of this fact will not be properly evaluated. You need to give your students something that they can relate to and that is important to them. It is also good to explain to them how to explain things better, and explain the sources so that they do not have any misconceptions. The students should also be given adequate time to complete the assignment so that they can be judged on what they learn and not how long it took them to do the assignment.A good essay topic in English for grade 9 is one that is based on history and will not have too much focus on contemporary topics that are only relevant for a specific age. The students should be able to write a balanced paper, not just based on making sure that they are able to fill up the required space. It is best to keep essays simple and avoid things like grammar or spelling mistakes.Essay topics in Englishfor grades 9 include things like political topics, topics that are used in the exam, topics that may not appear to be relevant at first, and even factual issues. If you do not know what to write then it is a good idea to find an instructor and ask them for a list of topics that are in the syllabus. Your instructor will be able to give you a list of things that you can write about.After you have the list of topics that you need to write on, you will need to organize it and think about what topic to write about. Some of the topics may already be covered in your syllabus and others you will need to research more. After you have put all of your topics in the order you will have to research on the topic.In order to write the best essay topics in English for grade 9 students need to make sure that they do their research and prepare themselves well before the semester starts. Most of the topics that are given out need a lot of research and planning. Students will also need to be confident that they are able to come up with an excellent essay.English is a subject that are necessary in grade school, but there are many essays that need to be written, but it is not easy . The grades are based on how well the student wrote the essay and not on how much time the student spent thinking about the topic. This means that the essay must be written well and without too much stress. The student should be able to follow directions and organize the topic effectively.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Characterization of Dmitry Dmitrich Gurov Essay - 1251 Words
Chekhov is part of a non-typical category of artists, because he did not believed in his genius, on the contrary, there are evidence that he believed that his work will not conquer time and posterity. Spectacular, just like Russia at the border between the 19th and 20th century, Chekhov was born the son of serfs in 1860 (Tsar Alexander will abolish serfdom in 1861) only to become a landlord 32 years later, and a neighbor of Prince Shakovskoi. He bought the Melikhovo estate (unconsciously imitating Tolstoy, the patriarch of Iasnaia Polyana), not far from Moscow, with 13 thousand rubles of which he has paid an advance of five thousand. Chekhov is the true precursor of the theater of the absurd. Before the beckettian waiting there was the†¦show more content†¦Neither is prepared to leave his family or to live a double life. Both suffer, but what they cherish the most is love, so they hope that in time they will find a solution. However, life brings them something different, something that nobody imagined - the civil war and revolution breaks out. The whole country is devastated by the tragic chaos of the revolution and their love disappears in the distance. Summary Lady with the Pet Dog is a short story written in 1899, a time when Chekhov spent most of the time in his house in Yalta. He lived usually alone and often weakened by the effects of tuberculosis, tired of the city’s provincialism, but never losing his charm and humor. He felt difficult to write in Yalta; also, he stopped working as a doctor some few years ago. Yalta became a kind of exile of his. It seems that Olga Knipper, - his sweet actress†, and wonderful woman often complained to him in long letter that she is depressed, and he tried to cheer her with the perspective of reunion (Benedetti, 112). In the short story Lady with the Pet Dog, what initially seems to be a simple adultery, as so many others, turns into a great love story. He, Dmitri Dmitrievich Gurov, a man passed his early youth, with an unhappy marriage in which, for years, has saved himself by throwing his life into countless love affairs, lives in Moscow. She, Anna Sergeyevna, very young,
Friday, May 15, 2020
A Short History of the Great Depression
The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1941, was a severe economic downturn caused by an overly-confident, over-extended stock market and a drought that struck the South. In an attempt to end the Great Depression, the U.S. government took unprecedented direct action to help stimulate the economy. Despite this help, it was the increased production needed for ​World War II that finally ended the Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed and the official beginning of the Great Depression. As stock prices plummeted with no hope of recovery, panic struck. Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock, but no one was buying. The stock market, which had appeared to be the surest way to become rich, quickly became the path to bankruptcy. And yet, the Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed. Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close. Since there was no way for a banks clients to recover any of their savings once the bank had closed, those who didnt reach the bank in time also became bankrupt. 1:44 Watch Now: What Led to the Great Depression? Unemployment Businesses and industry were also affected. Despite President Herbert Hoover asking businesses to maintain their wage rates, many businesses, having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, started cutting back their workers hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods. This lack of consumer spending caused additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers. Some businesses couldnt stay open even with these cuts and soon closed their doors, leaving all their workers unemployed. Unemployment was a huge problem during the Great Depression. From 1929 to 1933, the unemployment rate in the United States rose from 3.2% to the incredibly high 24.9%â€â€meaning that one out of every four people were out of work. PhotoQuest / Getty Images The Dust Bowl In previous depressions, farmers were usually safe from the severe effects of the depression because they could at least feed themselves. Unfortunately, during the Great Depression, the Great Plains were hit hard with both a drought and horrendous dust storms, creating what became known as the Dust Bowl. Years and years of overgrazing combined with the effects of a drought caused the grass to disappear. With just topsoil exposed, high winds picked up the loose dirt and whirled it for miles. The dust storms destroyed everything in their paths, leaving farmers without their crops. Small farmers were hit especially hard. Even before the dust storms hit, the invention of the tractor drastically cut the need for manpower on farms. These small farmers were usually already in debt, borrowing money for seed and paying it back when their crops came in. When the dust storms damaged the crops, not only could the small farmer not feed himself and his family, he could not pay back his debt. Banks would then foreclose on the small farms and the farmers family would be both homeless and unemployed. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Riding the Rails During the Great Depression, millions of people were out of work across the United States. Unable to find another job locally, many unemployed people hit the road, traveling from place to place, hoping to find some work. A few of these people had cars, but most hitchhiked or rode the rails. A large portion of the people who rode the rails were teenagers, but there were also older men, women, and entire families who traveled in this manner. They would board freight trains and crisscross the country, hoping to find a job in one of the towns along the way. When there was a job opening, there were often literally a thousand people applying for the same job. Those who werent lucky enough to get the job would perhaps stay in a shantytown (known as Hoovervilles) outside of town. Housing in the shantytown was built out of any material that could be found freely, like driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The farmers who had lost their homes and land usually headed west to California, where they heard rumors of agricultural jobs. Unfortunately, although there was some seasonal work, the conditions for these families were transient and hostile. Since many of these farmers came from Oklahoma and Arkansas, they were called the derogatory names of Okies and Arkies. (The stories of these migrants to California were immortalized in the fictional book, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.) Roosevelt and the New Deal The U.S. economy broke down and entered the Great Depression during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Although President Hoover repeatedly spoke of optimism, the people blamed him for the Great Depression. Just as the shantytowns were named Hoovervilles after him, newspapers became known as Hoover blankets, pockets of pants turned inside out (to show they were empty) were called Hoover flags, and broken-down cars pulled by horses were known as Hoover wagons. During the 1932 presidential election, Hoover did not stand a chance at reelection and Franklin D. Roosevelt won in a landslide. People of the United States had high hopes that President Roosevelt would be able to solve all their woes. As soon as Roosevelt took office, he closed all the banks and only let them reopen once they were stabilized. Next, Roosevelt began to establish programs that became known as the New Deal. These New Deal programs were most commonly known by their initials, which reminded some people of alphabet soup. Some of these programs were aimed at helping farmers, like the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration). While other programs, such as the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration), attempted to help curb unemployment by hiring people for various projects. The End of the Great Depression To many at the time, President Roosevelt was a hero. They believed that he cared deeply for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the Great Depression. Looking back, however, it is uncertain as to how much Roosevelts New Deal programs helped to end the Great Depression. By all accounts, the New Deal programs eased the hardships of the Great Depression; however, the U.S. economy was still extremely bad by the end of the 1930s. The major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into World War II. Once the U.S. was involved in the war, both people and industry became essential to the war effort. Weapons, artillery, ships, and airplanes were needed quickly. Men were trained to become soldiers and the women were kept on the home front to keep the factories going. Food needed to be grown for both the homefront and to send overseas. It was ultimately the entrance of the U.S. into World War II that ended the Great Depression in the United States.
A Short History of the Great Depression
The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1941, was a severe economic downturn caused by an overly-confident, over-extended stock market and a drought that struck the South. In an attempt to end the Great Depression, the U.S. government took unprecedented direct action to help stimulate the economy. Despite this help, it was the increased production needed for ​World War II that finally ended the Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed and the official beginning of the Great Depression. As stock prices plummeted with no hope of recovery, panic struck. Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock, but no one was buying. The stock market, which had appeared to be the surest way to become rich, quickly became the path to bankruptcy. And yet, the Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed. Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close. Since there was no way for a banks clients to recover any of their savings once the bank had closed, those who didnt reach the bank in time also became bankrupt. 1:44 Watch Now: What Led to the Great Depression? Unemployment Businesses and industry were also affected. Despite President Herbert Hoover asking businesses to maintain their wage rates, many businesses, having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, started cutting back their workers hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods. This lack of consumer spending caused additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers. Some businesses couldnt stay open even with these cuts and soon closed their doors, leaving all their workers unemployed. Unemployment was a huge problem during the Great Depression. From 1929 to 1933, the unemployment rate in the United States rose from 3.2% to the incredibly high 24.9%â€â€meaning that one out of every four people were out of work. PhotoQuest / Getty Images The Dust Bowl In previous depressions, farmers were usually safe from the severe effects of the depression because they could at least feed themselves. Unfortunately, during the Great Depression, the Great Plains were hit hard with both a drought and horrendous dust storms, creating what became known as the Dust Bowl. Years and years of overgrazing combined with the effects of a drought caused the grass to disappear. With just topsoil exposed, high winds picked up the loose dirt and whirled it for miles. The dust storms destroyed everything in their paths, leaving farmers without their crops. Small farmers were hit especially hard. Even before the dust storms hit, the invention of the tractor drastically cut the need for manpower on farms. These small farmers were usually already in debt, borrowing money for seed and paying it back when their crops came in. When the dust storms damaged the crops, not only could the small farmer not feed himself and his family, he could not pay back his debt. Banks would then foreclose on the small farms and the farmers family would be both homeless and unemployed. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Riding the Rails During the Great Depression, millions of people were out of work across the United States. Unable to find another job locally, many unemployed people hit the road, traveling from place to place, hoping to find some work. A few of these people had cars, but most hitchhiked or rode the rails. A large portion of the people who rode the rails were teenagers, but there were also older men, women, and entire families who traveled in this manner. They would board freight trains and crisscross the country, hoping to find a job in one of the towns along the way. When there was a job opening, there were often literally a thousand people applying for the same job. Those who werent lucky enough to get the job would perhaps stay in a shantytown (known as Hoovervilles) outside of town. Housing in the shantytown was built out of any material that could be found freely, like driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The farmers who had lost their homes and land usually headed west to California, where they heard rumors of agricultural jobs. Unfortunately, although there was some seasonal work, the conditions for these families were transient and hostile. Since many of these farmers came from Oklahoma and Arkansas, they were called the derogatory names of Okies and Arkies. (The stories of these migrants to California were immortalized in the fictional book, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.) Roosevelt and the New Deal The U.S. economy broke down and entered the Great Depression during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Although President Hoover repeatedly spoke of optimism, the people blamed him for the Great Depression. Just as the shantytowns were named Hoovervilles after him, newspapers became known as Hoover blankets, pockets of pants turned inside out (to show they were empty) were called Hoover flags, and broken-down cars pulled by horses were known as Hoover wagons. During the 1932 presidential election, Hoover did not stand a chance at reelection and Franklin D. Roosevelt won in a landslide. People of the United States had high hopes that President Roosevelt would be able to solve all their woes. As soon as Roosevelt took office, he closed all the banks and only let them reopen once they were stabilized. Next, Roosevelt began to establish programs that became known as the New Deal. These New Deal programs were most commonly known by their initials, which reminded some people of alphabet soup. Some of these programs were aimed at helping farmers, like the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration). While other programs, such as the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration), attempted to help curb unemployment by hiring people for various projects. The End of the Great Depression To many at the time, President Roosevelt was a hero. They believed that he cared deeply for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the Great Depression. Looking back, however, it is uncertain as to how much Roosevelts New Deal programs helped to end the Great Depression. By all accounts, the New Deal programs eased the hardships of the Great Depression; however, the U.S. economy was still extremely bad by the end of the 1930s. The major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into World War II. Once the U.S. was involved in the war, both people and industry became essential to the war effort. Weapons, artillery, ships, and airplanes were needed quickly. Men were trained to become soldiers and the women were kept on the home front to keep the factories going. Food needed to be grown for both the homefront and to send overseas. It was ultimately the entrance of the U.S. into World War II that ended the Great Depression in the United States.
A Short History of the Great Depression
The Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 to 1941, was a severe economic downturn caused by an overly-confident, over-extended stock market and a drought that struck the South. In an attempt to end the Great Depression, the U.S. government took unprecedented direct action to help stimulate the economy. Despite this help, it was the increased production needed for ​World War II that finally ended the Great Depression. The Stock Market Crash After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed and the official beginning of the Great Depression. As stock prices plummeted with no hope of recovery, panic struck. Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock, but no one was buying. The stock market, which had appeared to be the surest way to become rich, quickly became the path to bankruptcy. And yet, the Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed. Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close. Since there was no way for a banks clients to recover any of their savings once the bank had closed, those who didnt reach the bank in time also became bankrupt. 1:44 Watch Now: What Led to the Great Depression? Unemployment Businesses and industry were also affected. Despite President Herbert Hoover asking businesses to maintain their wage rates, many businesses, having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, started cutting back their workers hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods. This lack of consumer spending caused additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers. Some businesses couldnt stay open even with these cuts and soon closed their doors, leaving all their workers unemployed. Unemployment was a huge problem during the Great Depression. From 1929 to 1933, the unemployment rate in the United States rose from 3.2% to the incredibly high 24.9%â€â€meaning that one out of every four people were out of work. PhotoQuest / Getty Images The Dust Bowl In previous depressions, farmers were usually safe from the severe effects of the depression because they could at least feed themselves. Unfortunately, during the Great Depression, the Great Plains were hit hard with both a drought and horrendous dust storms, creating what became known as the Dust Bowl. Years and years of overgrazing combined with the effects of a drought caused the grass to disappear. With just topsoil exposed, high winds picked up the loose dirt and whirled it for miles. The dust storms destroyed everything in their paths, leaving farmers without their crops. Small farmers were hit especially hard. Even before the dust storms hit, the invention of the tractor drastically cut the need for manpower on farms. These small farmers were usually already in debt, borrowing money for seed and paying it back when their crops came in. When the dust storms damaged the crops, not only could the small farmer not feed himself and his family, he could not pay back his debt. Banks would then foreclose on the small farms and the farmers family would be both homeless and unemployed. Bettmann Archive / Getty Images Riding the Rails During the Great Depression, millions of people were out of work across the United States. Unable to find another job locally, many unemployed people hit the road, traveling from place to place, hoping to find some work. A few of these people had cars, but most hitchhiked or rode the rails. A large portion of the people who rode the rails were teenagers, but there were also older men, women, and entire families who traveled in this manner. They would board freight trains and crisscross the country, hoping to find a job in one of the towns along the way. When there was a job opening, there were often literally a thousand people applying for the same job. Those who werent lucky enough to get the job would perhaps stay in a shantytown (known as Hoovervilles) outside of town. Housing in the shantytown was built out of any material that could be found freely, like driftwood, cardboard, or even newspapers. The farmers who had lost their homes and land usually headed west to California, where they heard rumors of agricultural jobs. Unfortunately, although there was some seasonal work, the conditions for these families were transient and hostile. Since many of these farmers came from Oklahoma and Arkansas, they were called the derogatory names of Okies and Arkies. (The stories of these migrants to California were immortalized in the fictional book, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck.) Roosevelt and the New Deal The U.S. economy broke down and entered the Great Depression during the presidency of Herbert Hoover. Although President Hoover repeatedly spoke of optimism, the people blamed him for the Great Depression. Just as the shantytowns were named Hoovervilles after him, newspapers became known as Hoover blankets, pockets of pants turned inside out (to show they were empty) were called Hoover flags, and broken-down cars pulled by horses were known as Hoover wagons. During the 1932 presidential election, Hoover did not stand a chance at reelection and Franklin D. Roosevelt won in a landslide. People of the United States had high hopes that President Roosevelt would be able to solve all their woes. As soon as Roosevelt took office, he closed all the banks and only let them reopen once they were stabilized. Next, Roosevelt began to establish programs that became known as the New Deal. These New Deal programs were most commonly known by their initials, which reminded some people of alphabet soup. Some of these programs were aimed at helping farmers, like the AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration). While other programs, such as the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) and the WPA (Works Progress Administration), attempted to help curb unemployment by hiring people for various projects. The End of the Great Depression To many at the time, President Roosevelt was a hero. They believed that he cared deeply for the common man and that he was doing his best to end the Great Depression. Looking back, however, it is uncertain as to how much Roosevelts New Deal programs helped to end the Great Depression. By all accounts, the New Deal programs eased the hardships of the Great Depression; however, the U.S. economy was still extremely bad by the end of the 1930s. The major turn-around for the U.S. economy occurred after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the United States into World War II. Once the U.S. was involved in the war, both people and industry became essential to the war effort. Weapons, artillery, ships, and airplanes were needed quickly. Men were trained to become soldiers and the women were kept on the home front to keep the factories going. Food needed to be grown for both the homefront and to send overseas. It was ultimately the entrance of the U.S. into World War II that ended the Great Depression in the United States.
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